Anouchka Agbayissah (b.1994, Paris) is an artist, researcher and photographer. After graduating from Law and Business schools, she pursued her creative passion.

Driven by her committed and sensitive vision, Anouchka explores the infinite possibilities offered by memory and imagination to connect worlds, celebrate heritages and construct diverse narratives.

She is part of the World Press African photojournalism database, the 2022 Women Photograph mentorship program.
She is a member of Photographers Without Borders, Black women photographer and Diversify Photos Up Next. 

She is currently part of the Future of Films x Sèmè City incubator in Cotonou to develop the concept of the Land Of Òrìṣà.
She lives between Paris, Cotonou and Lomé.

DOC 234—34/2

DEUS:   088/26812—81
REX-13: 978-0882681/283
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Nunc blandit nunc mi, eu ultrices justo tempor a. Pellentesque rhoncus tempor convallis. Nulla semper tortor non elementum vulputate. Donec lectus nibh, euismod sed lectus quis, pretium dapibus dolor. Mauris ut massa ante. Sed eu sapien non lorem eleifend auctor a id quam. Suspendisse id lacinia erat. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis.